Bulls' Joakim Noah Stars in New Chicago Anti-Violence PSA

"Chicago, what do you stand for," Noah asks in the 60-second commercial titled "Stand Up Chicago."

7/25/14: Public Service Announcement for the Noah’s Arc Foundation asks Chicagoans to stand up to street violence.

Chicago Bulls star Joakim Noah stars in a new public service announcement, unveiled Friday, to help stop gun violence. 

"Chicago, what do you stand for," Noah asks in the 60-second commercial titled "Stand Up Chicago."

Chicagoans are shown in the PSA declaring what they stand for, from positivity to basketball to opportunities to resolving conflict without violence.

Then a familiar face shows up.

"I stand for my city," Bulls star Derrick Rose says.

Noah teamed up with Rose to provide a positive message in a city constantly dealing with violence and to urge Chicagoans to put down the guns and stand up for their city. 

"Stand up for peace," Rose says.

The PSA will air on TV stations across the Chicago area.

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