Wayne's Weekend: Build The Ultimate Self-Serve Hot Dog And Condiment Station

Make it easier for your friends to build the ultimate hotdog

Wayne shows you how to build a caddy for hot dogs and Lazy Susan for condiments.

Baseball season always brings thoughts of hotdogs.  I love them loaded with a lot of toppings.  And, I also like putting together a little buffet with plenty of options whenever I serve them up for my friends.  To make it even easier for my guests to create their perfect dog, I've created a little hotdog caddy that holds eight dogs and buns.  I place it right along side my homemade lazy susan filled with different toppings and condiments.  Guests just spin it around to pick the right items to make their dog special.

Both the caddy and lazy susan are easy to create using simple materials from your local hardware or home center store.  The attached PDF files give you basic instruction on materials and assembly.  But, if you have any questions at all, feel free to just shoot me an email. 

You can download the PDF at these link:

Wayne's Weekend Lazy Susan Plans
Wayne's Weekend Hotdog Caddy Plans

If you have any additional comments, please send me an email at wayne@waynesweekend.com or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

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