Bonnie Hunt Beats Up Blago

"Do you think I'm being hard on you?"

One comedian makes you laugh. The other one is just laughable.

Professional funny gal Bonnie Hunt roasted former governor Blagojevich on her eponymous show today, urging him to take responsibility for his actions, stop blaming others, and own up to what he's done for his kids' sake.

"At some point, even for your own children, don't you want to be accountable," the usually upbeat Hunt asked. "Sometimes you make bad choices," she offered.

Blago, clearly riled up, raised his voice and pointed into the audience, saying that his accusers' lies would come out in due time.

Sensing his frustration, Hunt asked "Do you think I'm being hard on you?"

"No," Blago said, repeating a standby line. "I just think there's a presumption of innocence that's been obliterated in this case."

Of Blago's many excuses, Hunt pointed out that he seems to be "a perpetual victim of circumstance."

Blago countered, saying his accusers were lying, and that there are taped conversations that would acquit him. At one point, Hunt, seeing Blago was red-faced with anger, asked for "a sidebar."

"You went to law school, I didn't," she says. "I'm only a nurse, but I might inject you with something just to get you to quiet down."

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