Park Forest

Park Forest Residents Under Mandatory Boil Order

Residents in one of Chicago’s south suburbs are under a mandatory boil order through Sunday evening after traces of total coliform were found in the village’s drinking water.

According to a press release issued Friday evening, residents of Park Forest were informed that they will need to boil their tap water for at least five minutes before using it for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, or food preparation.

The village says that routine sampling revealed traces of total coliform in a sample of water this week. A sample had also tested positive for traces of E.coli, but a follow-up test ruled out the presence of the bacteria.

Park Forest officials will now take an additional 31 water samples from across the area over the next two days, and until testing is complete Sunday evening, the boil order will remain in effect.

Officials say that they will keep residents updated on the water samples on the village website.

Total Coliform bacteria samples are one of several indicators of the quality of drinking water, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

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