Bicyclists Obeying Bike-Specific Traffic Signals

Officials monitoring compliance on Dearborn Street

It's a basic law of the street, but officials say city bicyclists are finally starting to get that red means stop. At least when it comes to obeying bike-specific traffic signals.

Officials with the Chicago Department of Transportation have been monitoring the signals along the two-way protected bike lanes on Dearborn Street in the Loop, and found that compliance is up 161 percent, according to the Chicago Tribune.

The traffic signals, which glow in the image of a bike, were installed in December.

CDOT stats show that 81 percent of bikers are complying with the red lights, up from 31 percent compliance before the bike-specific signals were installed, according to the newspaper.

Additional protected bike lanes are planned for Milwaukee Avenue and Clyborn Street this year.

Monday marks the launch of the city's annual Bike to Work Week.

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