Bean Sculptor Unveils New Work of Art

Anish Kapoor debuts a twisting metal structure for London Games

Cloud Gate sculptor Anish Kapoor is ready to build a new public art installation that might just touch real clouds.

The 377-foot tall twisted steel tower will soar over London’s 2012 Olympic Park, stand taller than New York’s Statue of Liberty but smaller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

“There is a kind of medieval sense to it, of reaching up to the sky, building the impossible” Kapoor told London’s Guardian newspaper.

Kapoor calls his $29 million dollar design ArcelorMittal Orbit, named after steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, who funded most of it according to the Sun-Times.

The spiraling red tower has five Olympic rings incorporated into the design, and it symbolizes the “dynamism of a city coming out of a recession” said London’s Mayor Boris Johnson.  

The Indian sculptor says he tried to reflect the energy and spirit of London but he adds that “the biblical Tower of Babel inspired his work of art”

This new structure that will offer panoramic views of London will become the Olympic’s legacy to the British.

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