Bat Startles Michigan Meteorologist During Forecast

A Michigan meteorologist was startled when a bat flew in front of him on air.

When you work in live television guests sometimes make unexpected cameos, but the special guest that appeared during the forecast at a Michigan TV station was a little more than unusual.

Meteorologist Jason Adams with NBC25 in Clio, Michigan struggled to keep his cool while a bat flew around his studio.

"How did a bat get into the NBC25 studio? I couldn't tell you," Adams said during the forecast. "But this thing is coming at me and it's freaking me out, but I'm going to do the forecast."

The station is reportedly located near a corn field and staffers claim small animals like birds and field mice sometimes sneak into the studio.

'I've never had a bat in the studio," Adams said on air. "This is a first."

After Adams’ forecast, crew members opened a garage door and led the bat outside.

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