Algonquin Arcade Unplugs Violent Games

Arcade owners compelled to make move after Sandy Hook school shooting

No Limit Arcade owner says he’s “declaring war on violent video games.” Sharon Wright reports.

In the wake of the tragic shootings last month in Newtown, Conn., the owners of an Algonquin video arcade have removed from their shop what they feel are violent games.
Kevin Slota, co-owner of No Limit Arcade, unplugged 12 first-person shooter games after hearing that they could be to blame for the Sandy Hook tragedy. Slota chose games that involved the shooting of people or zombies, which he says look human, and will replace them with "all-ages" options.

The games include “Revolution X,” “Maximum Force,” “Gunblade” and “The House of the Dead.”

"We did choose the proper games to pull off of the floor. Anything that involved directly shooting a human we decided it's time for those to go," said Mark Battaglia, Slota's partner in the business.

"Mortal Kombat" stayed because the game uses martial arts instead of guns. Games in which aliens or animals were the targets also made the cut.

On the arcade's Facebook page, Slota called the move "declaring war on violent video games."

"Do these games really have an influence on the people. To be honest with you, I'm not sure," said Battaglia.

But the shop's actions indicate they're not taking any chances.

The general manager of Odyssey Fun World in Naperville told the Daily Herald he doesn't plan on removing similar games from his arcade.

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