Time to Stomp Out the Ants

At a recent blogging conference, I met Maria.  Maria was a blogger and self professed “Yo-Yo” dieter.  She explained to me how she has lost over 100 pounds on five separate occasions.  She grumbled that she has figured out how to lose weight but then slowly it comes back and how she can’t stop the gaining routine.

I asked her when will she change the thought that she can keep the weight off?  The next morning after our workout class, she came up to me and thanked me for asking for to stop with the ants.  She mentioned that she realizes that her personal “self-talk” had been linked to her success and failure. 

“ANTS” are Another Negative Thought that creeps into your life and pesters your psyche.   The way we speak determines our course of action.

“Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are correct.”  Henry Ford

Here are three things you can to do stop the ants and keep those buggers from creeping into your success.

Find the love.  Look in the mirror and find something you love about your body. Maybe its the strong arms that hold your children or the slight curve of your hips.  Embrace, love and know yourself well enough to love yourself.

Strip away the negative energies.  You know the girlfriend that always has a crisis going on in her life.  She wails about the boyfriend, tight jeans, demeaning boss.  Just listening to someone continue about negative energy drains the positive energy.  Hang up the phone. Explain you are in the middle of something else or divert her energy back.  “Carolyn, what is going on in your life that is wonderful?”

Mantras matter. My favorite mantra is “I’m only one person.”  Some days the demands of motherhood, career, health and friend are overwhelming.  Remind yourself although you fill the space of at least four roles daily, you are only one person.  Find a few words that allow you the peace you deserve.

Andrea Metcalf is an NBC Chicago Fitness Coach and author of Naked Fitness.  The Naked Fitness programs help you find the positive energy and create a healthier, happier ever after.  A free 28 day programs is yours to participate in at www.FitStudio.com

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