Small Biz Blogging, Labor Day-Style

Heading to the beach for a long Labor Day weekend? Let’s face it: The last thing you want on your mini-vacation is to work. Don’t let your blog bog you down.

Need ideas fast? Here five suggestions.

• Turn to the web. Joan “The Publicity Hound” Stewart, shares this great tip: Cut your research time down by doing a Google search for a keyword or phrase and linking to the best articles on the first page in the search results. You don't even have to provide a long commentary, just a short sentence or two about each one.

• Build off an existing post. Make it a topic you’re familiar with and passionate about, and the words will come tumbling out. Keep your posts short: 300-400 words.

• Ask a buddy to provide a guest post. Start building a list of good writers long before you go. In a pinch, you may be able to find someone at  And, of course you’ll need to reciprocate, so offer to return the favor when she’s on the beach.

• Plop down in front of the video camera and record a verbal version of an old post. The guys at ReelSEO remind readers that your videos don’t have to be a cinematic masterpiece. It won’t be perfect and that’s okay. Sometimes people respond better to a video that’s raw and “real.”

• Use a template. Cindy Watts of Empower Network suggests building templates to speed up blogging. This work can work well for a list of tips or for a book, blog or movie review.

Okay, your blogs are scheduled. Get that bag packed and call a taxi. As you sip that margarita with one hand, and use the other to write honest-to-gosh “post” cards, do so knowing that your blog posts back home are 100 percent taken care of.

Chris Ruys is passionate about helping organizations increase their visibility and build their credibility to reach their business goals and objectives. The firm, Chris Ruys Communications, does this through the development and implementation of communications strategies that include traditional and social media marketing channels. We operate in collaboration with a network of graphic designers, media & speaker training professionals, professional photographers, videographers and other specialists, as needed. Specialties: Strategic communications, written materials, media relations, social media strategies, special events.

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