Oops, Willis Tower Misspells Author's Name For 14 Years

Mistake noticed more than a decade after exhibit opened at Willis Tower

Proof spell-check doesn't work on walls, a Willis Tower exhibit honoring Chicago's Studs Terkel has misspelled his name for more than a decade.

Jim Romenesko pointed out the overlooked error on his blog, and the Chicago Tribune went to the source to check it out.

Sure enough, Terkel's name is spelled "Turkel" in an exhibit of famous Chicagoans on the Willis Tower's 103rd floor. The author is honored just below Mike Royko, and the mistake occurs in the heading of a paragraph detailing his life.

The Tribune quizzed tourists viewing the exhibit to see if they could spot the misspelling. Turns out passersby weren't reading too closely. Only one person they talked to caught it.

The manager of the Skydeck said he didn't notice it either, noting the exhibit had been in place since 1999.

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