Stroger May Not Veto Sales Tax Repeal

It seems that Mayor Daley's threat to pull his support for Todd Stroger may have gotten the Cook County Board president thinking.

Stroger may be backing down from his emphatic promise to veto the repeal of a 1 percent sales tax passed last year, the Sun-Times' Fran Spielman notes.

Yesterday, the board voted 12-3 to repeal the sales tax hike, and Stroger said the loss of income for the county would be a disaster.

But this morning on WLS-AM's "Don Wade and Roma" show, Stroger said vetoing the tax repeal would be an "exercise in futility."

He still maintains that the loss of money would mean the closure of at least one county hospital, and more than a dozen health clinics.  But he said he may just let the repeal stand and "see what happens."

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