The Globetrotters Experience

As a female non-sports fanatic (probably the only student at Notre Dame who loved football games solely because it meant that I could sleep in silence while everyone was at the game), I admit to not knowing much about basketball.

I also must admit that although they've played over 25,000 games around the world, my recent visit to the Harlem Globetrotters's game was my first. I've actually only been to one other basketball game in my entire life, and like most sports, was not been the most thrilling experience for me.

But the Globetrotters know how to make sports interesting. Anybody who's ever seen them knows, it's all about sheer athletic and theatrical sportsmanship that just so happens to involve a basketball.

Watching them play, you get the feeling that these guys -- impressively exuberant, while simply exuding talent -- would have excelled at any sport, and probably would have done pretty well for themselves in gymnastics, dance or stand-up comedy, too.

They are incredibly sweet and were masterfully patient with teaching me ball-spinning and popping techniques (at which I exhibited less skill at than your average 4 year old).

They are absolutely sincere in the confession that a #1 perk to being Globetrotter is the interaction with the fans. Plus, let’s face it, the Globetrotters are adorable! If I had attended THIS game as kid?...who knows, maybe I’d be a sports fan after all. You can catch the Globetrotters 12/29 and 12/30 at Allstate Arena.

Read more of Laura Lodewyck's Nude Hippo segments and profiles on the NBC Chicago Street Team.

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