Should Scott Cohen Drop Out?

Police Report: Cohen held knife to prostitute's neck

The Sun-Times reports the political newcomer and pawn shop millionaire Scott Cohen was arrested in 2005 for pulling a knife on his then girlfriend, who was also a prostitute. 

The charges were dropped because the woman did not show up in court to testify.  So we asked you if you thought Scott Cohen should drop out of the Lieutenant Governor's race. 

Here's what you had to say:

"This guy just sounds like another corrupt politician." - Anonymous

"My [opinion] of Cohen is the voters and candidates in the race did not care enough to dig up some old trash prior to his win which tells me no one felt he could win. Let's move forward we have bigger problems in our State with unemployment  we need to focus on getting financially solvent.  Everyone makes mistakes I am sure if we all ask ourselves is there something we are ashamed we did or said there is not a single person that would be able to say "No there is nothing" - RVJ of Des Plaines

"I was listening until I heard the word prostitute. He should step down, I am sure there is some truth to his past" - Lisa

"Though I wasn't aware of the prostitute scandal before the election, didn't anyone actually read about any of these candidates before they voted? I'm convinced Scott Cohen won just because his name was first on the ballot. If anyone had actually read up on any of these candidates, their credentials and their positions on issues, one could have... definitely seen that he was the least qualified of all the candidates. He's never been to college (his website claims he's currently pursuing a degree at DePaul), he has never had any public service experience, he apparently has a temper and he owns a pawn shop. Which one of these things again made this guy qualified to be lieutenant governor?" - Jenna

"Step Down......" - Kim C.

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