Should Employees Fork Over Cash to Wear Jeans?

Brown Comes Under Fire for Cash Casual Fridays

The Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court Dorothy Brown will hold a news conference today detailing her policy of charging staff to wear jeans on Fridays.  News reports recently surfaced about the democrat requiring staff to pay two or three dollars to don denim at the office.

The candidate for Cook County Board president defended her actions. Brown claimed the money goes to charities and employee appreciation events.

Critics accused Brown of creating a slush fund.

Should employees fork over cash to wear jeans?

Let's sound off!

"My company would sponsor employees paying to wear jeans to work but the money went to CHARITY.  I support that type of event." - Jill

"We pay $5-10 (10 is jeans and gym shoes) various Fridays throughout year but money goes to Charity (and is matched by company) - would do that [any day]!!" - Anonymous

"Yes, I gladly pay $2 for jeans day. We donated $1500 to the Haitian relief telethon yesterday from the jeans day proceeds!" - BeBe

"I would definitely pay to wear jeans to work!  My company has "jeans days" for charity a few times a year and, as a matter of fact, that's how we're raising money for Haiti Relief.  Donate $10 and you can wear jeans to work today." - Annie Schrieffer

"At my elementary school in Oswego we give a dollar or two every Wednesday to wear jeans. The money we raise is donated to a needy charity. We have been doing this for four years. To date we have raised over $10,000." - Jeff Henrikson

"Forget jeans day what about the resurrection of Mayor Harold Washington for the guv's campaign? WOW!!!!!" - Anonymous

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