Sharp as a Knife

The Chopping Block has a great March sale

At the end of every 'Top Chef' episode, the fair Padma Lakshmi ordered the most recent doomed contestant to ''pack their knives and go.''  Ouch – how humiliating.  But can you imagine how much more embarrassing it would've been if they had some sad set of dull knives that were not top-of-the-line culinary material? 

Don't let that happen to you, all of you aspiring gourmet chefs out there.  Head to either location of The Chopping Block during the month of March when all knives, including ''Global'' from Japan and ''Frederick Dick'' from Germany are 20 percent off.  You can also sign up for one of the next Knife Skills classes ($40)  they have on the calendar.  Check out the recent review the Chicagoist gave on the class.

Delectable upcoming March classes include Baking 101 on March 28 at Merchandise Mart and  March 29 in Lincoln Square, Irresistible Indian at either location on March 30 and a day-long intensive Poultry Cookery class at Lincoln Square on March 30.

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