Seeking the “Road to Fame”

Mahoney's hosts singing competition

Nude Hippo’s Ashley Lobo features some of Chicago‘s finest talent as they compete in the “Road to Fame” contest.

Before all of you wannabe singers set your lofty sights on "American Idol," it might be best to start testing your pipes against some local competition.

Mahoney’s Pub & Grille's second annual Road to Fame is searching for Chicago's top vocalist.

An open call will be held Nov. 4 and 11 for singers, and weekly rounds will be held every week until the finals on Dec. 9. The competition runs from 8 - 11 p.m. each night.

The singers will be asked to perform acapella in front of the crowd, and judges which include Michigan Avenue Magazine's Susanna Negovan and Chicago-based music producer and owner of Slang Music Group, Vince Lawrence.

The audience will also have a hand in determining the winners by voting via text messages.

The grand prize winner receives round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations for two in LA, $500 cash and a live gig an Culver City, CA club called Rush Street in front of record company representatives.

Contestants are asked to register at

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