February 1- 5

Monday, February 1st Links

100 African-Americans make the list for changing history

The Boy Scouts of America prepare to celebrate a milestone.

Tuesday, February 2nd Links

One in eight Americans seek help from food banks according to USA Today.  

The Wall Street Journal reports that a rare liver disorder is linked to a HIV drug.

A new study printed in USA Today shows healthy adults need less sleep as they get older. 

Sources tell the Washington Post that U.S. military plans to change "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  

New York Daily News dishes about the Razzies nominees.

Brave teen surfer, who fought off a shark with a boogie board, shares her story with the London Evening Standard.

430am N-Files

A Michael Jackson tribune accurately reflects what's going on in the"Billie Jean" video.

Some seniors try  to bust some of the King of Pop's iconic moves.

A tuna commercial desecrates the Star Wars franchise.

5am Web Sights

"The Situation" wants to bottle his essence.

A husband captures his wife's burst of emotions after every movie she watches. Wife cries -

A guy trying to save a few bucks on dental work uses a ribbon and a rock to ease his pain.

6am Web Sights

A new gadget recycles office waste into toilet paper.

Check out the nicknames Sawyer from "Lost" doled out over the years.

One seagull just can't stop dancing.

 Wednesday, February 3rd

430am N-Files

A-list actor George Clooney earns the esteemed honor of starring in the worst movie ever!

Punxsutawney Phil crushed anyone's dreams of an early spring. What about Punxsutawney Polamalu?

Before he was the nation's number two guy, Dick Cheney enjoyed going for a ride.

5am Web Sights

The man beloved by Trekkies everywhere refuses to reduce his existence to 140 characters or less.

As our bank accounts sink lower, it's no surprise ATMS are following suit.

Thursday, February 4th

Giannoulias the mobster?  A new GOP ad compares him to Tony Soprano.

430am N-Files

A New Jersey grandmother, who visited the Jersey Shore back in the day, turns up her nose at the "Jersey Shore" cast and their antics.

The wife of cheating South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford shares the red flags to know if your relationship will fail.

Wondering who to turn to for advice for life's biggest problems? Ask Mr. T.

5am Web Sights

He probably couldn't believe it was butter. Check out when lover pranks go too far.

A new fad pops on shirts that will take a bite out of fashion.

Here's the sure fire way to clean windows at the airport without breaking a sweat.

6am Web Sights

Friends who tape stunts should keep their feet out of the shot.

A woman who complains about spending the night in jail commits breaking and entry

Lindsey Lohan adds hoarding to her troubled life.

Internet sensation bunny balances things on his head.

Friday, February 5th

The American Heart Assocation promotes "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness about heart disease.

The Field Museum wants you to pull out your wedding dress or tux to get free admission February 13 from 11am to 3p. 

430am N-Files

A Virginia Beach woman posts ad on Craiglist for a kiss but everyone need not apply.  

A woman trying to get her man backs plans to go under the knife to look like actress Jessica Alba.

Man believes he's a banana and can't stop singing about it.

5am Web Sights

If something looks like a bad magic trick, run in the opposite direction or risk getting wet.

Brazilian sportscaster faints while reporting.

An athlete falls short of leaping over a canal.

6am Web Sights

Searching for the right Valentine's day gift?

It's hard enough understanding "Lost" when you watch the show. Check out these "Newsweek" writers who have never seen an episode.

Fiery feline provesits a fighter at heart.

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