Maybe This Will Dispel Muslim Rumors

President-elect takes daughters Christmas tree shopping

It was no simple outing, but President-elect Barack Obama, his daughters Sasha and Malia and an unidentified friend of the girls went Christmas tree shopping together. They picked out a tree, but left the lot without it, with a promise that the tree would be delivered to the home later. 

Reporters were kept at bay, as the Obama motorcade left the Obama house Sunday afternoon for an unmarked tree lot a short drive away on 53rd St. and South Kenwood across from Nichols Park. 

Reports from Margaret Talev, of the McClatchy Newspapers, indicated that, with limited access to the president-elect -- reporters were kept across the street from the tree lot --  Obama and the girls could be seen walking around the lot and talking.

Dozens of locals gathered across the street to watch the event. Before getting back into the motorcade, Obama stopped, waved repeatedly and said, "Merry Christmas, everybody."

The Huffington Post has published photographs of the event on its Web site.

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