Make Your Holiday Gifts in the Kitchen

Personalize your gift giving with treats from your kitchen

Happy Holidays! 

Homemade gifts are such a wonderfully personal thing to give during this time of the year.  Plus, with everyone being more budget minded than ever, this is the perfect time to create inexpensive homemade gifts from your kitchen.  All of the recipes I’m sharing with you are easy to make and most are family friendly, meaning you can enjoy making them with your children.

I’ve created a little booklet in PDF format. In it, you’ll find recipes for these eight items:

•  Microwave Peanut Brittle
•  Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries
•  Mama Fannie’s Sand Tarts
•  Wayne’s Dry Rub Mix
•  Rob’s Chicken Chili
•  Peppermint Bark
•  Walnut Shortbread Cookies
•  Coconut and Macadamia Nut Cookies

Also, browse your local gift card store, specialty store or department store for interesting containers and wrapping paper to create special packages for these tasty treats.  Also, use labels from your office supply store to create custom labels on items like the dry rub mix.  Personalize everything as much as possible to really make each gift special.

Be sure to also add note cards to let people know if something needs to be refrigerated before using.  Some items, like Rob’s chili, will also have a limited storage life.

I hope you make all of these treats and spread lots of special holiday cheer to the folks who receive them.

If you have any questions or comments, send me an email at

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