The Guy's Guide to Hair Goo

Less is more when it comes to hair product

Some guys don’t so much as take a comb to their hair. Others? Well they go overboard. Can’t there be a happy medium?

We turned to hair expert and salon owner Elizabeth King for her tips for dudes on how to check themselves -- before they over-gel themselves.
To get a look that stays put without looking like a helmet head, King offers these  six easy steps to ensure gel perfection.
 1. Grab a finger-full of hair paste or cream (something soft that creates a matte finish -- not a greasy look-- will do the trick. Try Night.Rider by Kevin Murphy).
2. Smear into your palm; rub hands until warm.
3. Stand in front of your mirror, and turn around. King says this step is key in your styling success. “The key is to not watch yourself as you style,” she says.
4. Run your hands through your hair, moving from the front to the back. Then, switch, and brush fingers along, from side to side.
5. Pull the corners of your hair, from front to back, and then back to front, to avoid that pesky little area that gets mussed up on the back of guys’ heads.
6. Finally, fluff the sides a bit, and voila -- a goo’ed ‘do that doesn’t look like a don’t. Now if there was only a simple guide for picking up the ladies. Maybe that’s next.
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