Governor's Hair Speaks Volumes

Psychologist says Blago's mane points to narcissism

"It's part of the grandiosity," Scott Ambers, a clinical psychologist, said of Gov. Rod Blagojevich's ample head of hair.

A Thursday article in the Chicago Sun-Times features Ambers theory that the unmistakable perfection of the governor's hair -- rain or shine -- points to a narcissistic personality disorder. 

"It's all part of managing his image ... of being without a blemish, without a flaw," the Chicago psychologist is quoted as saying.  He goes on to say that Blago's coif  suggests he has an overinflated view of his own importance."

The paper says that others clinicians interviewed about Blagojevich's arrest and personality agreed with Amber's analysis.

"I think he felt a certain kind of immunity," Ambers said, and so it seems.

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