Going to the Inauguration? We Want You!

Share your content with NBCChicago.com

If you're going to Washington for the inauguration of Barack Obama, we want to hear from you.

Let us know if you'd like to share your pictures, or even any video clips you might be planning on shooting while you're in Washington.

Also, we might even call you to arrange an interview with one of our NBC Chicago reporters in Washington if that would interest you.

But please send in your contact details and any other helpful information. By sharing your great content with us, you'll have an instant audience of tens and tens of thousands of NBCChicago.com users.

So if you're interested, please shoot us a quick email at soundoff@NBCChicago.com with your name and contact information, and we'll get back to you soon to start talking details.

Follow NBCChicago on Twitter  Your replies to @nbcchicago will be posted in the widget below, and in our blog on Inauguration Day.

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This widget shows the @replies from Twitter users to NBCChicago. You can follow us on Twitter to get news and commentary updates designed just for you, and make your voice heard by @replying nbcchicago.
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