Free Mrs. Fields Cookies Today Only

Mrs. Fields: Whose lunch break wouldn't be improved by a free cookie or latte? In honor of the grand opening of a new State Street "concept store" (concept: cookies), Mrs. Fields will hand out a free cookie or latte to all patrons at that location. This weekend, the savings continue with coffee or cookies for just 99 cents. [Mrs.Fields]

Tavern on Rush: Get in the spirit for this weekend's shucking contest at Frontier with dollar oysters today at Tavern on Rush. The chilled Chesapeake bay mollusks are available for a buck each at lunch and dinner, or try the oyster gumbo for $4.95. [TavernonRush]

Bin 36: There are only a few weeks left of Bin 36's $5 summer lunch special. This week, the sandwich is a roast turkey club, served with applewood bacon, avocado, sprouts, and mayo on toasted white bread with fries. [Bin36]

Wildfire: Hey hipsters, up the game on your PBR preferences by actually learning something about the brew at tonight's Retro Beer Dinner at Wildfire. Five courses will be paired with "retro beers" like Schlitz, Pabst, and Old Style, plus a brewer from Pabst will be on hand to talk about the history of American beers. The cost is $35 and reservations can be made by calling 773-398-6960. [LEYE]

Lockdown: Ukranian Village's Lockdown offers half-price draughts plus $5 build-your-own mac 'n' cheese every Thursday. [Lockdown]

This has been the 11 AM Deal Report, our twice-weekly round up of the best food and drink deals in the land. Have a deal you want included? Email it our way.

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