February 8 – 12

Monday, February 8th

The '85 Bears reunited to remix their Super Bowl Shuffle in a Boost Mobile ad.

There were plenty of calls of unnecessary "ruff-ness" during the Puppy Bowl VI on Animal Planet.

NFL created interactive website where fans and players posted tweets and pictures.

 Tuesday, February 9th

"He-Man" a.k.a. Dolph Lundgren drives the crowd wild showcasing his musical talents and action-packed stunts.

A mask changes Mr. Rogers into something scary.

A meteorologist stressed out about snow, snow and more snow melts down on air.

A time lapse camera captures the epic storm in Washington, D.C.

One woman wanting to get married isn't looking for love but health insurance.

Tips on how to make your girlfriend or wife happy this Valentine's Day.

Avoid mirrors at all costs if you ever find yourself in a horror movie.

Wednesday, February 10th

"Iron Mike" does the two-step on Italy's version of "Dancing with the Stars."

The band Nickelback finds itself in a pickle on Facebook.

Some guys in Russia make snow fun by jumping off a building.

Beaker's ballad rouses heckles from the Muppets' ornery critics.

Thursday, February 11th

Want to know where Zoraida skated?Click here.

We show you the Chicago connection to the steamy Sports Illustrated issue.

A new set of pjs could repel men everywhere but keep women warm.

Instead of sending flowers, send a hug!

One truck never had a shot against a jet.

Forget speed dating. Try speed hating to find true love.

A son pulls a prank almost scaring his mom to death.

Two guys with 222 t-shirts put stop-motion animation to work.

What are the odds someone at your job likes you?

Friday. February 12th

Big thanks to the Chicago Curling Club  and theNorthbrook Speed Skating Club for showing us about these great Olympic sports.

NBA Star Steve Nash stars in ads showing why he's the "Most Ridiculous Man Alive." 

A musical tribute tostores which are named after they services they offer.

Perk up your ears for a catty choir.

Zoo works nab tiger on the loose. By the way, it's a man in a costume.

Meat snacks solve phones' touchscreen problem in the winter.

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