February 15 – 19

Monday, February 15

It's make a change day. Ronald McDonald House is asking for your help.

Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae of Delta Sigma Theta stop by for a big shout out.

You decide how you feel about the remake of "We Are The World."

Misery isn't just for humans on Valentine's Day but bears too.

Was Silent Bob to fat to fly the friendly skies?

Raptor eats cheerleader. Enough said.

An old friend fills the missing hole in our hearts with some cool moves.

A website allows you to clean out the skeletons in your cluttered closet.

A montage of sappy movies becomes a big hit online.

A pelican attacks a meteorologist. Enough said again.

Tuesday, February 16

Utah considers canceling senior year to save cash.

A BBQ restaurant's commercial makes you want to dance and eat. 

A creepy video with a catchy tune celebrates the Smurfs.

University of Alberta in Canada tries to break the world's dodgeball record.

Think big if you want to clear the snow off your roof.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown could learn some social graces from President Obama.

Career-minded Barbie gets two new jobs.

Tweeting for the White House. Yes, it's an actual job listing.

Former drug addicts and street kids suit up zebra-style to keep streets safe.

A cat burns calories trying to go up a slide.

Wednesday, February 17

You can snuggle up with your very own "Twilight" Heartthrob Edward Pattison.

Ever wondered what George Clooney looked like as a kid?

Instead of a hog ride a gator.

Here's the cereal we all craved when we were younger.

Don't look into these babies' eyes?

An extreme winter sport could challenge the Winter Olympics excitement.

The world's most beautiful people live right here.

One soccer player shows off his amazing aim.

A landmark ruling protects Facebook rants under the First Amendment.

Fido can "tweet" his likes and dislikes in 140 characters.

A four year old boy memorizes the 1980 Herb Brooks hockey pep talk  from the movie "Miracle."

Thursday, February 18

Broadcaster Pat O'Brien confuses Dorothy Hamill with Mark Hamill.

A woman gives a new rendition of Queen's "We Will Rock You."

A man sings and laughs at the same time - no easy feat.

Ditch your shovel for a fire-breathing dragon to melt the snow on your lawn.

A bathroom mirror prank tricks people into thinking their vampires.

Your blanket not meeting your finger warmth needs? Try the sleeve blanket.

A website collects status updates to make it easier for thieves to steal your stuff.

"Flitter parties" helps singles connect through smartphones.

Facebookers are spending more time on the site.

Friday, February 19

Grown-ups watch your back! "Avatar" babies are coming.

A family of singers could rival the groovy Paltridge Family.

Benny the Bull imitates Beyonce's "All My Single Ladies" video in front of Jay-z, her husband.

A guy attempts to perform eight stunts in 60 seconds.

Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer insults NBC reporter after winning gold medal Saturday.

If you're too chicken to quit, check out a website where people beg to be fired.

Tough soccer fans sing their hearts out.

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