F^3 Events LLC Offering Discount On Upcoming Races

Started in 2009, F^3 Events LLC is the company behind the Burgers & Beer 5K in July, Turkey Chase 8K in November, and the F^3 Lake Half Marathon in January. And now, they're offering a discount on registration fees for both the Turkey Chase and Half Marathon through October 15th. 

In honor of Sunday's Chicago Marathon, enter the code CHI2013 at checkout on their website and get exactly 26.2% off your entry fees.

The Turkey Chase 8K will be held on Thanksgiving morning (November 28th) and the fifth annual F^3 Lake Half Marathon will be on Saturday, January 25th, 2014. Regularly priced at $45 and $70 respectively, a 26.2% discount might be just the encouragement you need to get your butt out there in the freezing Chicago winter. And as their website proclaims, running in the "c-c-c-old" gives you "bragging rights for life"! 

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