What American Food Holiday Were You Born On?

Did you know that there's a food or drink you should be celebrating each and every day? This morning we at Chicagoist poured over this list that declares each day of the year National (Insert Delicious Indulgence Here) Day, marking our calendars with excuses to break our diets.

We also loved the idea that in a sense we were each born on a holiday. I was born on National Blueberry Pie Day. Kinda boring, but others had better luck like Lauri, who was born on Peanut Cluster Day. We don't know exactly what that is but it sounds delicious.

I would have rather been born on:
February 10 - Cream Cheese Brownie Day
May 6 - National Crepe Suzette Day, or
October 9 - Submarine-Hoagie-Hero-Grinder Day, natch.

August 3 is a bit of wink-wink, being that it's National Grab Some Nuts Day. You mean like almonds?

What's your Foodiversary?

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