Famous Local Rocker to Help Kick Off Fashion Focus

Chicago rocker Pete Wentz will host this year's Gen Art Fashion Show Wednesday called Fresh Faces in Fashion. The event kicks off Fashion Focus Chicago, a week of events designed to showcase the local fashion scene and up-and-coming designers.

"We are finding attention both from the media and designers,"  said Melissa Gamble, director of fashion, arts, and events for Fashion Focus Chicago. "Consumers in New York, L.A. [are] starting to hear about what we're doing with fashion in Chicago."

Though hometown native Pete Wentz's claim to fame is being the frontman for the rock group Fall Out Boy, he's also quickly making a name for himself in the fashion industry.

"He's really involved in his music career but he needed another creative outlet," said Jessica Murnane, creative director of Wentz's clothing line. "He loves clothes and he's an artist, so I think it was the next step."

Just like the band started here in Chicago, Wentz  -- who's married to pop singer Ashlee Simpson's -- wanted to open his first clothing store in the Windy City, which was how Lakeview's "Clandestine Industries" was born. It's all about t-shirts, hoodies and a few casual accessories, all of which you will see Wentz himself sporting.

"Whenever you see him out, he's wearing his hoody, he's wearing his t-shirt," Murnane added. "He's just a really laid back guy."

In the back of Wentz's store, you'll find "The Salon," which offers hair and make-up services like "Rock Star Eyes," guaranteed to transform customers into bona fide rockers.

"They can buy a shirt, an accessory and we can help with their overall image," says Ben Mollin, head stylist.

Clandestine Industries is located at 952 W Newport Ave., and as the name suggests, you may not have every noticed it. The clue? Just look for the bat with a cut-out heart in the middle. 

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