Battle Royale

* As promised during this morning's newscast, here is the Greatest Fight Scene Ever.  Warning: This will ruin all other fight scenes for you forever.

* Why are athletes stupidly superstitious?  Could it be because their entire livelihood rests on the bounce of a ball?

* Meet Blago's barber.  He may be able to cut through that hair, but nothing can cut through Rod's B.S.

Old and busted: Herbicide.
New hotness: A flamethrower.

* Run for your lives!  The monkeys have escaped Chimp Island!

* Chicagoans have sex 73 times a year.  To the gentleman who balances me out by having sex 146 times a year, I tip my cap.  And I whimper.

* Have I posted this yet?  Garfield Minus Garfield is genius.

And so it is, the only difference between a crazy cat owner and me is that I don't have an animal in the room while I talk to myself.

* If a man told you that Tarot cards predicted bad luck unless you had sex with him, would you fall for it?  I would.  Totally.  Also, I would be mesmerized by his ability to make the sun disappear at night because the sky gods are angry for my lack of sex with him.

* Kid Rock's "American Badass Beer" apparently doesn't taste great, but it gets you buzzed.  Gotta appreciate the honesty.

* It costs roughly $269,040 to raise a child from birth to their 18th birthday.  This message brought to you by the National Abortion Council.

* Yes, you can get a loan by pledging your soul as collateral.  Unless you are Kenny G, because he clearly has no soul.

* Now I understand my 5K slowness a couple weekends ago.  I didn't eat and drink an hour before the race.  Next time.  Next time.

* The economy is so awful, many of our neighbors had to cancel their fireworks displays.  As seen on Thursday's show, here's what else is getting the axe...

* Your beer belly is not the fault of your awful diet.  It's your genetics.  Also, put on a shirt, you disgusting slob.

* Cockroaches can get fat eating junk food.  Nothing worse than antenna cankles.

* Do not complain to your jackass friends how you're worried about ending up with a million toasters as wedding gifts.  Because your jackass friends will then purchase and wrap a bunch of toasters just to be jackasses.

* If there was a website that allowed me to rent college textbooks back when I was in school, my parents probably would have had the money to pay for my little brother's medicine.  Oh, well.  We miss you, Timmy.

* You might be able to get fit in just six minutes a week.  Maybe.  Sorta.  Probably not.  But maybe?

* How to stop hating your life because you're single.  You mean there's an alternative to the ol' shotgun barrel to the mouth method?

* And finally, let's ask Jason Piazza how a girl will know if a guy likes her.

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