Did You Know? It's National Vegan Month in November

As we transition from October's National Chili Month to November's National Vegan Month, one might wonder – just who actually celebrates National Vegan Month?

Kohan Japanese Restaurant (730 W. Maxwell St.) in University Village apparently does.

For the month of November, Kohan is highlighting all of the vegan items on their primarily sushi- and Japanese-based menu.   The vegan items include the goma-Ae, a blanched spinach chilled and served with Kohan black sesame sauce, the edamame (boiled soybeans dusted with salt), the vegetable tempura, as well as the Kohan house salad, the wakame salad and the ''vegetable and tofu delight'' entree.

It's got to be a rough existence trying to find things to eat on restaurant menus when you can't go near meat or cheese, so we hope all of the vegans in the city take advantage of ''their month'' and the restaurants that so dutifully celebrate it.  Know of others? Let us know.

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