Going Groucho

What a bunch of ugly mugs

If he’d have known everyone was going to dress up like him, he might have changed clothes.

Chicago played host to a Guinness World Record of comedic proportions, last month, when 4,436 moviegoers dressed up in trademark Groucho Marx attire for a screening of "Duck Soup" in Grant Park. All the participants wore glasses with a fake nose and moustache.

The record was verified Tuesday, and the new mark effectively strips the title from St. Louis of the title. And Chicago loves to stick it to St. Louis.

But the record might not last long. The group that organized the wacky record-breaking stunt, the Mid-America Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, tries to outdo itself every year.

In the words of Marx: We’re sure everyone had a wonderful evening, this just wasn’t it.

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