T.O. Says No To Bills Workouts

Is this the start of acrimony in Buffalo?

There are reasons why Terrell Owens ended up on the Buffalo Bills with a one-year, $6 million contract. There are reasons (other than his advancing age; T.O. is 36) why one of the game's most talented receivers couldn't get more than a sniff from most NFL teams. There are reasons why Drew Rosenhaus tried to convince the media that his client had a bevy of offers, even though no evidence or report exists toback up that fact.

There are reasons here, and everybody knows them: Owens' antics. That's why.

Were T.O. not so much challenge to deal with, he'd likely be on a better team. He could be making more money. He'd certainly have more than one year on his contract.

But this is what the Bills paid for, and without freaking out too much -- these are just voluntary workouts, after all -- it appears that's what they're already getting. Owens is opting to miss out on workouts with his teammates. That's despite the unsubtle urgings of both coach Dick Jauron and quarterback Trent Edwards. Owens is instead going to do what he always does: work with a personal trainer on his own time and show up for mandatory practices.

This isn't the biggest deal in the world, but it is classic T.O. It's an indication that the Bills aren't going to see any sort of tail-between-the-legs effect from Owens. He's not going to adjust his personal preferences. He's just going to be him, for better or worse. Usually worse.

Yep. This should end well.

Eamonn Brennan is a Chicago-based writer, editor and blogger who refuses to attend voluntary workouts, too. You can also read him at Yahoo! Sports, Mouthpiece Sports Blog, and Inside The Hall, or at his personal site, eamonnbrennan.com. Follow him on Twitter.

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