Presidential candidate Donald Trump never shies away from stirring up controversy on the campaign trail and on social media, but on Monday morning he’s got a new target to go after: the owners of the Chicago Cubs.
Trump, who is fresh off of a victory in the South Carolina primary over the weekend, went after the Ricketts in a tweet accusing the family of donating money to campaigns to prevent him from winning the nomination:
That accusation has merit, as USA Today reported on filings that show Marlene Ricketts, the wife of T.D. Ameritrade founder J. Joe Ricketts contributed $3 million to a Super PAC that has gone after Trump with mailers and other tactics during some of the early primary states in this election cycle.
This isn’t the first time the Ricketts family has gotten involved in the political fray. The family was one of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker’s primary financial backers during his presidential bid, and they also contributed money to Mitt Romney during the 2012 election against President Barack Obama.