As the four bid cities for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games prepare for their biggest and most important presentation yet, Madrid boasted Tuesday that they are enjoying a massive outpouring of public support. The Madrid 2016 Committee said it has signed up 35,000 volunteers to assist with Spain's Olympic preparations.
"We have been overwhelmed by the incredible support from our own country and around the world," said Madrid Olympic chief Mercedes Coghen. "Volunteers are so important to our bid, and it would not be possible without their support."
The Chicago Tribune reported in May that Chicagoans' support for the 2016 Games was 10 percentage points lower than the figure the bid committee used in its candidacy file, based on its own reporting. Still, a source close to the International Olympic Committee said Chicago remains the frontrunner.
The Chicago Tribune reported in May that Chicagoans' support for the 2016 Games was 10 percentage points lower than the figure the bid committee used in its candidacy file, based on its own reporting. Still, a source close to the International Olympic Committee said Chicago remains the frontrunner.
In two weeks, Chicago and its three competitors, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo, will make formal presentations to members of the International Olympic Committee at the Olympic headquarters in Switzerland. The IOC will make a formal announcement of a host city for the 2016 Games next October.