Yesterday, the Jay Cutler rumors officially made their way to our sleepy little burgh. We were minding our business, lamenting our own ugly quarterback situation, and attempting to wrap our heads around the notion that our professional basketball coach is just now learning to keep his best player in the game during crunch time. We've got enough on our plate.
But the Bears do need a quarterback, and Cutler seems extremely angry at the Broncos, so hey, why not, right? The Bears should totally go after Cutler!
At least, that's according to the Tribune's David Haugh, who presents as evidence Cutler's admission on draft day in 2006 that he was a Bears fan as a reason Jay would obviously love to come to play in Chicago. (Reading the transcript of the interview, it sounds like Cutler was more eager to please whatever interviewer was asking him the question than he was to become a Bear. This is what draft prospects do. They kiss up to improve their value.)
Haugh believes Angelo needs to go after Cutler hard. The Bears need a quarterback, or so Angelo himself said, and nabbing a disgruntled Cutler away from the Broncos would be a major coup at nearly any price for the position.
The problem with this line of thinking is that it fails to account for what the Bears would have to give up. Haugh himself says that Chicago can win with Kyle Orton. So why improve a position that's apparently in OK shape and decrease your talent elsewhere? That doesn't seem to make any sense. Haugh's solution is to offer up Orton and a first round pick, but really, come on now. We're to believe new Broncos GM Josh McDaniels wants an accurate passer so badly he's willing to trade his franchise quarterback for Kyle Orton and a dream?
Perhaps Jerry Angelo can pull that off, but as of right now it seems far more likely the Bears will do what the Bears always do -- sit this one out. Whether it's from lack of effort or ability, we highly doubt Jay Cutler will be in a Bears uniform any time soon. Everyone can settle down.
Eamonn Brennan is a writer, editor and blogger hunkered down in Lincoln Park. You can also read him at Yahoo! Sports, FanHouse, MOUTHPIECE Sports Blog, and Inside The Hall, or at his personal site,