Rod Blagojevich had a standard term for big money campaign donors who promised one thing but came up with less.
He called them "bullshitters."
During meetings in 2003 and 2004, Blagojevich would regularly become irate and lash out at donors who couldn't meet the fundraising goals set for them, said elly Glynn, former finance director for Friends of Blagojevich, the ex-gorvernor's fundraising organization.
Glynn said FOB set extremely high fundraising goals because, at that time in Illinois, there were no fundraising limits.
Glynn testified that among those Blagojevich christened as "bullshitters" were businessman Blair Hull and current U.S. Ambassador to Britain Louis Susman.
Another witness with finance bona fides, former campaign finance director Danielle Stilz, testified that she was instructed not to pay Rod Blagojevich's skyrocketing bills to law firm Winston and Strawn, because her superiors did not want those legal expenses to show up in the governor's D2 campaign reports.
She said she left in 2007 because she thought the organization's fundraising expectations were "unrealistic.". She said Blagojevich said she didn't know what she was talking about.