Kate Gosselin's divorce from ex-husband Jon was made official on Friday, and the star told Jay Leno via satellite from Washington, D.C., that she was ready to enjoy single life.
"I'm a wild woman, Jay," she joked. "I'm baking cookies with the kids."
However, Kate, appearing on "The Jay Leno's Show's" "10 @ 10" segment, admitted she had an un-mom-like taste in music.
"It's Lady Gaga, 'Paparazzi,'" she said, asked about her favorite song on her iPod, demonstrating by singing a line. "I'm your greatest fan, I'll follow you until you love me, papa, paparazzi."
"You could be Lady Mama," Jay joked.
The "Jon & Kate Plus 8" star added that she'd love to be on another reality show — "Dancing With the Stars."
"Because I want to laugh at myself," Kate explained. "I so cannot dance."
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