Making wholesale nutritional changes all at once is rarely successful, but fortunately you don't need to do that to make a lasting change.
Each week, I offer a different nutritional challenge that you can try to incorporate into your lifestyle for seven days. If you like it, keep it up. If not, try the next one.
If you're feeling particularly ambitious, start adding the habits together and see how they help you improve your fat loss goals. But remember, the key to fat loss success is consistency, so don't overwhelm yourself.
For those who complete several of the challenges and see a change, send us your before and after photos!
See last week's challenge about drinking more water here.
Week Five Challenge: No More Sugar
Sugar is great for the taste buds, but it’s terrible for our waistlines. I challenge you to eliminate all sugar and all sweeteners from your life for the next seven days. This includes cane sugar, agave, maple syrup and honey. Sugar is sugar, folks, and if you don’t think you can live without it, it’s probably time to cut it from the diet for a few days.
I’m not telling you to avoid it forever – just try it for seven days and see how it goes, but be forewarned, possible side effects include clear skin, more energy and fat loss.
Dusten Nelson is a Chicago-based strength coach, nutritional expert and practitioner of Chinese medicine. Follow him on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and check out his website. You can email Nelson at
Nelson is currently training Chicago filmmaker Kenneth Yoder to compete in a 100-day bodybuilding challenge. See the original story here.