Rep. Joe Walsh, Tea Party-Ill., is giving a lucky constituent a free trip to California -- to see his opponent, Tammy Duckworth.
Yesterday, Walsh sent out this Tweet: ONE HOUR LEFT to enter to win the RARE opportunity to see. @Tammy4Congress speak in #CA. Donate $3 here to win: #IL08.
The link was to the Illinois Republican Party’s donor form. Giving away a trip is a clever way for Walsh to hit Duckworth for raising money and giving speeches outside Illinois. Duckworth became a national celebrity after Walsh criticized her for boasting about her military record. A fundraiser by Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh also raised her profile. She also got a prime speaking spot at the Democratic National Convention, where she had delegates in tears as she recounted the Black Hawk helicopter crash in which she lost both legs. On Thursday, Duckworth will give a free talk entitled “Our Next Mission” at Santa Monica College.
“Tammy Duckworth has turned down 10 invitations from groups in the 8th district to debate Congressman Walsh, including Trinity Lutheran Church in Roselle, the AARP, and the Lombard Chamber of Commerce,” Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady said. “Tammy holds very few public events in the district, and she spends most of her time traveling the country raising money in places like New York and California. Now, about 6 weeks before the election, she’s finally giving a free public speech – in Santa Monica, California. It’s stunning that Tammy Duckworth is more interested in what people in Los Angeles think than what residents of the 8th district think. That’s why we’re happy to help two lucky constituents from the 8th district finally get the chance to hear Tammy Duckworh in person and ask her a question.”
Here’s a copy of Walsh’s e-mail, detailing the offer of a free trip.
Where's Tammy?
If you're like us, you're having a hard time figuring out where Tammy Duckworth is.
This week Joe traveled across the district, engaging residents, and holding public events where people could come to discuss the issues, but not Tammy. Next week
Tammy Duckworth has once again chosen to spend more time with her friends in California, where she has raised more money than from the entire 8th district. She'll be going up and down the coast next week from San Francisco to Los Angeles - far from Illinois' 8th district.
But if you're like many in the 8th, who would love to hear Tammy and learn more about where she is on the issues, you may be in luck.
The Illinois Republican Party is offering a lucky winner and one guest from the 8th district round trip tickets, one night's stay, and dinner for two to Los Angeles to see Tammy Duckworth!
While you're in California, you'll have the rare and exclusive opportunity to hear Tammy and maybe even ask her a question.
Donate $3 to the Illinois Republican Party by noon Tuesday to be automatically entered to win!*
Yes, we're serious. You, a lucky guest, and a chance to finally hear Tammy Duckworth in California.
Tammy hasn't made it much of a priority to make herself accessible to all voters of the 8th district. But thanks to our friends at the Illinois GOP, two 8th district residents will have the chance to ask Tammy a question at her public speech this Thursday in Santa Monica.
It's important that voters get to hear where both candidates stand on the issues, even if they have to travel to California to hear one of those candidates.
What would you ask Tammy?
Good luck!
Walsh for Congress Team
*Contest only open to 8th district residents.

This month, Ward Room blogger Edward McClelland’s Young Mr. Obama: Chicago and the Making of a Black President will be available on Kindle for $9.99. Tracing Obama’s career in Chicago from his arrival as a community organizer to his election to the U.S. Senate, Young Mr. Obama tells the story of how a callow, presumptuous young man became a master politician, and of why only Chicago could have produced our first black president.