Virtual Tours Can Help You Escape if You're Stuck at Home

Isolating at home can get claustrophobic, but the internet is cooking up ways to help kids and adults make their time at home more educational

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A lot of kids are getting additional screen time these days due to the coronavirus pandemic, but that time can be educational, as a wide variety of institutions and museums are creating virtual field trips.

Several high-profile attractions in California are catering to animal lovers with live video feeds from their facilities, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the San Diego Zoo.

If you want to take a virtual tour of some of the world's most iconic attractions, including the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC and the Louvre in Paris.

NASA has also created an incredible online world where explorers can see through the eyes of spacecraft that have landed on the surface of Mars, thanks to Access Mars.

You can also learn about jet propulsion and how planes fly with Alcoa's virtual tours of their manufacturing plants.

We will continue to update this space with more virtual tour options, but in the meantime internet users can simply type "virtual tours" in your search engine. There are lots of options out there!

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