Multiple students at a south suburban high school were disciplined after getting into a physical altercation that school officials believe may have been sparked by a “culturally insensitive” video airdropped to multiple students.
The principal at Andrew High School in Tinley Park, Bob Nolting, said the physical altercation happened by the physical education area of the school as the first-hour bell rang.
“The situation is believed to be a result of a year-old social media post, that students were talking about before the start of the school day,” Nolting said. “This video was airdropped to many students, therefore, making it difficult to trace its origins. The video contains a culturally insensitive act by one of our students.”
The video, which was given to NBC 5 by a parent, shows what appears to be racist social media posts, one of which shows a person in blackface with the caption “blackface is sweeping the nation.”
The fight was also captured on camera at the school and shared on social media.
Nolting said there was an initial report that one of the students in the altercation had a weapon, but further investigation determined that was not accurate.
“In a proactive manner, the school increased staff presence and had two additional Tinley Park Police Department officers join in supervision during passing periods,” he wrote. “Today, the school maintains additional supervision to assure a safe learning environment. The school will continue to monitor social media and respond to any concerns brought forward. Through the school's investigation, it feels there is no imminent threat or safety concern at school.”
Nolting said the students involved in the incident “have been equally and appropriately disciplined,” but further details on what the discipline involved weren’t immediately released.