It's a ferocious pace for the presidential campaigns as they reach out to voters in battleground states. Sen. John McCain is in Virgina, Pennsylvania and later tonight New York City for an appearance on Saturday Night Live. Sen. Barack Obama is in Colorado, Nevada and Missouri. While the candidates are out on the trail -- Chicago is the home base for the democrat's campaign operation. And this weekend it's relying on volunteers to get voters to the polls.
Estimates are that one-third of voters will have cast their ballot early -- as early voting wraps up this weekend. There are reports of long lines in Indiana, Florida and Georgia. Some are waiting up to ten hours to make their choice in this historic election.
Meanwhile, Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley reiterated his invitation for the public to join in the election night rally in Grant Park once the polls have closed. Despite law enforcement concerns about the size of the crowd -- with estimates as high as one million -- the Mayor again Saturday said all are welcome.
Besides the Mayor, other Illinois politic ans are expected to convene at Grant Park for what they hope will be a celebration. As well, celebrities from Oprah to Samuel Jackson have been invited to join the political rally.
Hundreds of volunteers from the Chicago area are working this weekend. Illinois supporters are fanning out to states like nearby Indiana to remind voters how important Tuesday is for the candidates. Indiana has not voted for a democrat for president in more than forty years. Current polls there say the race between McCain and Obama is even. As well, phone banks based here in Chicago are being manned by volunteers and elected officials who are using personal telephone calls to reach those undecided voters.