An undercover Chicago police officer, who was shot by a gunman after witnessing a murder, insisted on helping his fellow detectives apprehend the suspect even after being shot, prosecutors said in court documents revealed Friday.
At around 2:24 p.m. Wednesday, an on-duty Chicago police sergeant was sitting inside his undercover vehicle at the corner of Madison and Karlov when he heard one gunshot from the southeast corner. The officer then looked up and noticed a man wearing a red hooded sweatshirt shoot another man, according to court documents. The victim, Devell Hill, 26, died from his injuries.

The officer then followed the suspect, who had driven away in a white pick-up truck, while alerting his fellow officers. The suspect, who was identified as Walter Johnson, 35, noticed the officer's vehicle following him, pulled to the side of the road and opened fire. The officer sustained a graze wound to the left wrist, police said. Johnson then ran back to his truck and jumped on the I-290 expressway.
A short time after the sergeant's fellow officers picked him up, the injured officer noticed the suspect's vehicle while driving to the hospital on the expressway. The sergeant told his fellow officers to forgo the hospital and continue their pursuit of Johnson, according to prosecutors.
Once near the Damen exit, the suspect cut across all lanes of traffic and then struck a semi and multiple other vehicles before crashing into a tree. Johnson then ran out of his truck and tossed his sweatshirt to the ground, at which point, a handgun fell from the shirt, prosecutors said.
Officers were able to detain Johnson and place him into custody. The suspect was charged with first degree murder, attempted first degree murder, aggravated battery and unlawful use of a weapon.
At Johnson's bond court hearing Friday, the judge referred to the officer who was shot as a "superhero," because of his actions. The officer was eventually taken to an area hospital and was expected to make a full recovery.