Stink Bugs Starting to Creep Into Homes Across Illinois. Here's How to Properly Get Rid of Them

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Stink bugs have already begun infiltrating the homes of Illinois residents and will likely continue into late fall, according to area nature experts.

So how do you properly dispose of them without letting off a foul smell?

Illinois' new brown marmorated stink bugs only let off a putrid smell when threatened, according to Kelly Allsup, horticulture educator at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The bugs typically come around the northeastern states in the U.S. during the autumn season and are most commonly detected in urban areas from homeowners and gardeners, Allsup wrote.

Here's how she said to control the bugs:

  • Use a vacuum to suck up adult bugs or drop them in soapy water
  • Take steps in early fall to caulk cracks and crevices around the house
  • Prevent movement in from the outside by repairing windows and putting on door sweeps
  • Perimeter spray of pyrethroids can be recommended

Allsup noted that it is not recommended to use sprays inside the home because insecticide residues are reportedly ineffective in providing pest control.

According to the Morton Arboretum, all stink bugs should be handled carefully, as the insect will exude the foul smell if crushed. Stink bug traps are also available for garden areas.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture classified Illinois as "low risk" for stink bugs, Allsup wrote, and will not likely reproduce in the home.

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