Schaumburg Cop Accused Of Stealing Gun

Prosecutors say man took gun woman was trying to turn in

A Schaumburg Police officer resigned from his position after he was accused of stealing a handgun that was turned in to the department.

Bryan Woodyard, 38, who was on the force for seven years, is charged with two counts of official misconduct in the case.

Prosecutors say on April 23, two women went the police station to turn in a .22-caliber revolver that was in one of the women's homes for several years, but was now uncomfortable with it being there.

Woodyard was working the front desk and allegedly asked the women to step outside and asked if he could buy it to add to his collection. The woman refused to sell it, but instead gave it to Woodyard to turn in to police.

Prosecutors say the woman later became suspicious because Woodyard didn't , and called a few days later to check whether the gun was turned in.

Police did not find any record of the gun and later found it loaded in Woodyard's lunch bag, prosecutors say.

Woodyard was immediately relieved of his police duties but didn't resign until this week.

He's scheduled to appear in court later this month.

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