A Chicago teen held on murder charges in connection with the slaying of a Chicago Police Officer and retired CHA officer was denied bail this morning.
Timothy Herring, 19, is accused of murdering evidence technician Michael Flisk and homeowner Stephen Peters, a retired CHA officer, Friday afternoon inside Peters' garage.
Prosecutors said Herring, who's on parole for a 2007 armed robery, had stolen items from Peters' customized Mustang GT, which was housed in his garage on the 8100 block of South Burnham Avenue. When Herring saw a police officer in the garage collecting evidence, the said, he decided to train the gun on the men because he didn't want to be caught and go back to prison.
The prosecution painted a chilling picture in their proffer.
They said Herring fled to a house after the murders, where he attempted to alter his appearance by cutting off his braids. He put his braids, his jacket, and the gun in a box, according to the release He called Timothy Willis - his co defendant - and asked him to come get them, prosecutors said.
Prosecutors say Herring had approached Peters and Flisk in the alley as he saw Flisk working the burglary scene, and said "I know who did it."
Peters said it didn't matter, that they had fingerprints, and would find out who did it, the documents said.
Herring walked away, then turned and shot both victims in the head, the proffer states. He took garbage cans containing items he had stolen from the car and started moving them down the alley, according to the documents.
As he was doing so, prosecutors say he saw one of the victims moving. He then went back and shot them a second time in the head, prosecutors said.
Meanwhile, a visitation for officer Flisk has been scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday.