A series of new speed humps, barricades and safety signs were installed on Lower Wacker Drive this week to help combat the issue of street racing.
Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd Ward) announced Saturday that the speed humps were constructed near the Hyatt Regency Chicago loading area and Stetson Avenue. Additional speed humps were installed in both the eastbound and westbound directions of traffic between Stetson Avenue and Columbus Drive and between Columbus Drive and Field Boulevard.
The new concrete barriers placed at the intersections of Lower Wacker and Stetson and Lower Wacker and Columbus aim to reduce the width of the intersections, according to Ald. Reilly.
Ald. Reilly also plans to introduce an ordinance at the next City Council meeting to establish a "No Cruising Zone," which would prohibit drivers from driving through the zone more than once in a one-hour period. Violators would receive written notices and then fines for breaking the proposed rule.
The new installations are part of the alderman's efforts to crack down on illegal street racing that happens each weekend on Lower Wacker Drive.
Two new stop signs were also added earlier this month to the intersection of Columbus and Lower Wacker.