Murphy Endorses Villivalam For Senate, Calls For Silverstein to Step Down

With four Democrats now formally filing to challenge state Sen. Ira Silverstein, the first to receive an endorsement from one of Silverstein's Senate colleagues is Ram Villivalam. Democratic State Sen. Laura Murphy tells NBC 5 "I've known Ram for 10 to 12 years and I've watched him work campaign, after campaign, after campaign."

Villivalam, is the former political director for Rep. Brad Schneider and has worked for SEIU. Murphy adds "I believe it's possible for Ram to win the seat."

She's also calling for Silverstein to step down because of the allegations from a victims rights advocate who says Silverstein sexually harassed her. Murphy says "elected officials are held to a higher standard, we all know that."

Others also filing campaign papers to challenge Silverstein are: Alison Leipsiger, Caroline McAteer-Fournier, and David Zulkey.

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