Receiving a parking ticket can evoke frustration, even anger.
But Friday, a Chinatown restaurant owner apparently punched a meter maid in the face outside his Near South Side business upon receiving the news he'd been written up, according to police.
Tie Lee, 38, co-owner of the Chi Cafe at 2160 S. Archer Ave., was arrested Friday outside the restaurant shortly after he allegedly hit the parking enforcement employee. Police said he was later charged with felony aggravated battery to a government employee.
The 47-year-old Chicago Department of Revenue parking enforcement employee on the receiving end of Lee's frustration said he hit her in the forehead with an open hand, according to police.
Lee's original story was that he did not hit the woman, he was "merely upset that she issued him another citation.” Later, he admitted pushing the meter maid, according to a police report.
The incident is under investigation.